:: About |
As a Social Enterprise, ZMQ
is committed to create valuable
technology solutions for various
social issues. HIV/AIDS has
always been high on ZMQ agenda
as it has been one of the
most dreadful diseases, which
can be prevented but still
cannot be cured.
In 2002, ZMQ started an edutainment-based
program in schools called
Learning Mansion".
The prime reason to start
the program was to create
HIV/AIDS awareness among the
school children and youth.
Also there was a lack of appropriate
information on HIV/AIDS to
be given to the school children.
In the years 2002-2003, the
program was implemented in
over 50 schools in New Delhi,
and it became an instant success,
which boasted ZMQ's plans
to develop more social programs
related to health and HIV/AIDS.
But at the same time, ZMQ
felt that the program was
not able to reach out to the
masses and under-privileged
experts in mobile games for
social development, ZMQ developed
an innovative IEC methodology
to educate people on HIV/AIDS
using mobile devices. On World
AIDS, 1st December 2005, through
its edutainment based interactive
learning solutions in form
of four mobile games, ZMQ
was able to plans reach out
to millions of people to teach
about HIV/AIDS and spread
HIV/AIDS awareness in India.
The program was christened
Freedom HIV/AIDS.