as a small Social Initiative
of ZMQ in the year 2005, Freedom
HIV/AIDS has now grown into
a full-fledged technology
based program to combat HIV/AIDS,
Malaria, Tuberculosis, Cholera,
Dengue, and other prevalent
tropicl and sub-tropical diseases
using innovative ICTs. The
program also develops solutions
for health initiatives of
global need like reproductive
health, pre-natal & post-natal
care, malnutrition, girl child
health, hand washing, basic
sanitation, drug abuse etc.
In a social partnership
mode, ZMQ is already working
with various agencies and
organizations in Asia, Africa,
Europe and America to develop
ICT based health solutions.
Some of the major organizations
are USAID, DFID, European
Commission, Hivos, GTZ,
Global Business Coalition,
Johns Hopkins University,
Plan International, Groupe
Developpment, Mobile for
Good and more to take these
programs forward.
ZMQ invites partnerships
with various NGOs, Government
Agencies and "socially
responsible" Corporates
which are working towards
a common goal of combating
diseases and working on
health issues in the world.
ZMQ is willing to support
any such program and can
contribute 10%-25% of the
project as "in-kind"
contribution to develop
socially valuable technology
based solutions, systems,
products and/or services.
For more information and
partnerships, please contact
the Project Director - Freedom
HIV/AIDS. You may also send
your needs and requirements
to get evaluated by our
experts for creating partnerships.
Cell: +91-9312814894
About ZMQ
ZMQ Software Systems is
a Social Enterprise which
develops educational technology
systems, social games, ICTs,
software technology, human
performance solutions, training
solution for social development
objectives. Being a highly
socially conscious company,
it has a strong educational
development program under
the banner of House of Learning.
Being a Social Enterprise,
ZMQ puts back all its profitss
back into the the organizations
various social development
program. ZMQ works with
a unique business model
with its partners for developing
effective social programs
for high impact. Under this
new socio-business model,
ZMQ not only develops social
development programs but
also develops products and
solutions for the markets
at the Bottom of the Pyramid.
The company works with like-minded
Organizations, NGOs, Corporate,
Institutions and Development
Agencies to create sustainable
and effective social initiatives
programs, products and supply
House of Learning
House of Learning
is a social educational
technology initiative of
ZMQ dedicated in "engineering-education"
by developing educational,
learning and training needs
for under-served, marginalzied
and and semi-literate communities
by effectively integrating
technology in every aspect
of learning for multi-lingual
and multi-cultural use.